Apocalypse Nyx by Kameron Hurley

A quick review

Do you ever have an author that you keep seeing around on the interwebs, but never in store where your likely to impulse buy, and your scared to branch out into new territory because you already have a lot of unread books on your shelves and if you try this author and they are as kick ass as you think they might be, you will end up with 10 more books on your shelves and admitting that you may well die under your tbr pile because there is absolutely zero chance of you catching up?

Nah, me neither.

Okay fine. I may have one or two. Kameron Hurley is definitely one of those authors, so when I stumbled across Apocalypse Nyx on NetGalley, even though I have a backlog of review books to get through, my eyes lit up, I got in touch with my inner Gollum and I requested. I didn’t even read what it was about, I wanted my precious, I has to have it. Gollem

Fast forward 24 hrs and I has got my precious.

Let me tell you. This book is high-octane, action packed, blood soaked goodness. I couldn’t get enough. So yeah, it’s safe to say, my tbr will crush me at some point.

Synopsis –
Ex-government assassin turned bounty-hunter, Nyx, is good at solving other people’s problems. Her favourite problem-solving solution is punching people in the face. Then maybe chopping off some heads. Hey―it’s a living.
Her disreputable reputation has been well-earned. To Nyx’s mind, it’s also justified. After all, she’s trying to navigate an apocalyptic world full of giant bugs, contaminated deserts, scheming magicians, and a centuries-long war that’s consuming her future. Managing her ragtag squad of misfits has required a lot of morally gray choices.
Every new job is another day alive. Every new mission is another step toward changing a hellish future―but only if she can survive.

36489545This collection of short stories is set in the Bel Dame Apocrypha World. There is an entire series that I haven’t read. I don’t want to spoil to much of the main books for myself, but from what I could gather these are set in between the events of the main books. Even though I went in knowing nothing of the world or the previous stories, Hurley doesn’t throw you into the deep end, you quickly get a feel for the world. After all the very first line of the first story gives you a real sense of the type of world our girl Nyx is inhabiting.

‘The man’s rugged visage hanging from the upper window of the tenement building was captivating. The rest of him was less so, as it was a mangled wreck of shattered limbs and shredded torso strewn all over the street at Nyx’s feet.’

I loved getting to know Nyx and her team. She is unapologetically herself. She is highly trained, willing to sacrifice her team and when the girl wants to get laid, we all know its going to happen. She has experienced a lot in her short (but long by the world’s standard) life. She has been to war, she has been broken, she has been put back together, trained as an assassin, spent a year in prison and built herself a reputation as someone you don’t want to fuck with.

These stories have betrayal, magic, romance, violence, weird creepy bugs, whisky and a whole heap of sass. If you are unsure if Kameron Hurley is for you, try this collection. There are five stories of varying length and detail, all of them are well written, bringing this war ravaged land to life.

I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Title: Apocalypse Nyx
Author: Kameron Hurley
Publisher: Tachyon Publishing
Release Date: 17th July 2018

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